Process control
in production

technologies provide new advantages in production - people provide the uninterrupted operation of technologies

Process control
in production

technologies provide new advantages in production - people provide the uninterrupted operation of technologies
Digital - platform
Audit of
Personal KPI
Ready to use business processes based on the Imredi platform adapted to the specifics of business and retail chain standards
Remote control of
the chain
Контроль требований безопасности, плана продаж, стандартов мерчандайзинга, маркетинговых активностей
SMART-задачи, контроль сроков исполнения, приоритетов, отслеживание результатов
Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами
Корпоративные и индивидуальные показатели, KPI сотрудников, мотивация

Manage event-based activities that require quick response to prevent equipment breakdown or downtime

Get transparent analytics linked to people and equipment on emerging risks of production shutdown or loss of efficiency

Track the occurrence of faults and disurptions online

5. Quick resolve disruptions and provide preventive maintenance

Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами
Корпоративные и индивидуальные показатели, KPI сотрудников, мотивация

Monitoring and control at all stages of manufacturing and service provision

Optimize the time of staff, digitize the results of work on tasks

Track the progress of event based tasks and manage the deadlines, depending on the category and priority

6. Identify and fix system problems and disruptions

Organize transparent monitoring of key regulations and standards to ensure efficiency, quality and safety at all stages of production

Provide employees of all levels with convenient tools for auditing and analyzing results

1. Provide monitoring of production efficiency, quality and safety

Provide the output of regulatory information to the items of the checklist in the form of attached tables, images, links

Attach links to standards and schemas found on your portal for quick viewing in the app

2. Keep instructions and key regulations fast accessible

Provide a convenient tool in the hands of each employee for timely response and quality work on emerging tasks

Track how fast tasks are completed, how time is spent, prevent possible accidents

3. Track statuses and communications for emerging tasks

Provide quick access for staff to key KPI with a personal or general area of responsibility

Focus employees to accomplish the most important goals and tasks

Control standard operating procedures

4. Keep track of key KPI at each production sector

Digital workplace in manufacturing

Automated control system for standard operating procedures and execution of tasks at an industrial enterprise
Аналитика, дашборды, сводные KPI, анализ данных и выгрузка результатов, экспорт отчетов
Управление сотрудниками, иерархия подчинения, контроль полевой активности
Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами

Sending an event trigger

Requesting and providing additional information

Submitting results based on processing and tasks

Generation and control the execution of tasks at the production sector in accordance with triggers, KPIs and customized analytical models

Chatbot for monitoring and clarifying task parameters


MES, Big Data



Clarification of task parameters via chat bot

Alerting user about a new task

Submitting results
and analysts



The need to fix a particular problem is registered online, user immediately receives a push
Improving the speed of response to problems within each sector
The fastest possible delivery of information to the performer and control of his timely reaction to the received signal
Reducing equipment stoppages, breakdowns, rejects in technological chains
Tasks are performed when necessary, not out of habit or a pre-planned schedule for a month
Redistribution of efforts and optimization of resources in production
Imredi implementation effect
Quality increase
Operational efficiency
Staff motivation
Management transparency
Reducing losses​
Reaction rate
Monitor processes and operating procedures
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