your sales

Imredi Collaboration логотип

to the platform

Imredi Collaboration поставщики Food и FMCG
Imredi Collaboration ритейлеры, розничные сети
Imredi Collaboration мерчандайзинговые агентства и сервисные компании
The supplier

Work together

Daily Out Of Stock and other
problems at points of sale
lead to a loss of revenue

from the Retailer's side
and the Supplier
* Long-term research by Nielsen, PwC, ECR, etc.
Imredi Collaboration схема совместной работы поставщиков, ритейлеров и мерчандайзинговых агентств

Save sales

Use the Imredi platform to collaborate with OSA tasks, merchandising, photo reports, promos and all activities in the store

Calculation of efficiency

comparison of cases of working separately and working together within the Imredi platform

interaction between participants
on the IMREDI platform
Imredi совместная работа с фотоотчетами и задачами в торговой точке
Уберизация всех активностей в торговой точке через платформу Imredi торговой точке

Robotics and AI

Collaboration with Event-Based tasks and cross-team communication between platform participants with connection to the task digital assistant in the form of a chatbot, RPA, ML/AI prompts .

Participants set the conditions and the required workflow for processing tasks, connect the selected mechanisms and engines for image recognition, artificial intelligence, neural networks, and Big Data algorithms.

Mutually beneficial and equivalent exchange of standardized checklists and photo reports from points of sale in the context of control: Planograms, OSA Signals, Price Tags, Promo, DMP, Pallets et al.

Each participant determines which photo reports and checklists with what frequency he is ready to provide, and receives similar information from other participants in response, along with relevant aggregated analytics.



Publication and execution of special tasks by participants on the principles of "uberization" and cross-team communication.

Participants can use the platform to collect Ad Hoc analytics by specialists from other teams that are already at the point of sale (OSA signal processing, event merchandising, etc.). For each task, a cross-team working group and a chat are automatically assembled in accordance with the settings.

Imredi совместная работа с фотоотчетами и задачами в торговой точке
Уберизация всех активностей в торговой точке через платформу Imredi торговой точке

Robotics and AI

Collaboration with Event-Based tasks and cross-team communication between platform participants with connection to the task digital assistant in the form of a chatbot, RPA, ML/AI prompts .

Participants set the conditions and the required workflow for processing tasks, connect the selected mechanisms and engines for image recognition, artificial intelligence, neural networks, and Big Data algorithms.

Mutually beneficial and equivalent exchange of standardized checklists and photo reports from points of sale in the context of control: Planograms, OSA Signals, Price Tags, Promo, DMP, Pallets et al.

Each participant determines which photo reports and checklists with what frequency he is ready to provide, and receives similar information from other participants in response, along with relevant aggregated analytics..



Mutually beneficial and equivalent exchange of standardized checklists and photo reports from points of sale in the context of control: Planograms, OSA Signals, Price Tags, Promo, DMP, Pallets et al.

Each participant determines which photo reports and checklists with what frequency he is ready to provide, and receives similar information from other participants in response, along with relevant aggregated analytics.

Principles of interaction organization
Each participant independently determines the circle of partners for the organization of the collaboration mode and the degree of interaction
Выбор списка партнеров
The platform provides standardized data exchange, cross-team interaction when working with emerging tasks, end-to-end communication

Выбор категорий, активностей и бизнес-процессов в торговой точке
Participants share information on the selected categories and receive analytics (taking into account the history, detail, dynamics, enrichment, recognition results, etc.)
Настройка бизнес-процессов
Selecting a list of partners
Selecting categories
Configuring business proc
Each participant independently determines the circle of partners for the organization of the collaboration mode and the degree of interaction
Выбор списка партнеров
The platform provides standardized data exchange, cross-team interaction when working with emerging tasks, end-to-end communication

Выбор категорий
Participants share information on the selected categories and receive analytics (taking into account the history, detail, dynamics, enrichment, recognition results, etc.)
Настройка бизнес-процессов
Selecting a list of partners
Selecting categories
Configuring business proc
Online analytics:
Comprehensive assessment of the quality of work and factors influencing sales, performance analysis, automatic recommendations and tips
Joint work
Онлайн аналитика: Всесторонняя оценка качества работы и факторов влияния на продажи, анализ эффективности, автоматические рекомендации и подсказки
A space for collaboration with tasks, communications, checklists, alerts, feedback from customers
Ритейлеры Дикси, Окей, Магнит
Solving problems in points together with partners
Increase in sales by providing a higher OSA indicator and the quality of the layout
Online access to independent objective assessments of problems in stores
Save costs and time on identifying and eliminating problems by your team
Improving the level of customer service and the quality of services provided to the buyer
Поставщики Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Pepsico
The supplier
Effective interaction with retailers
Increase sales by monitoring and ensuring higher DPSM indicators
Reducing the cost of monitoring your
products at retail outlets
Saving costs and time to eliminate
identified problems
Access to additional objective information on
products from retail outlets
Мерчандайзинговые агентства Max Group, Open, Leader Team
Receiving new orders for services in retail outlets
Minimization of penalties due to identified
shortcomings in the work
Getting additional orders for services at a point according to the principles of uberization from a single source
Transparent control and assessment of the
level of service provided
The ability to interact with new customers beyond the current contracts and competitions
End-to-end work with tasks, cross-team communication, connecting the right people, online interaction
Уберизация: Сквозная работа с задачами, кросс-командные коммуникации, подключение нужных людей, онлайн взаимодействие
Event based reaction:
Online signals on problems at points of sale, scenarios of event merchandising and task processing, load planning and forecasting
specialists are already working every day in retail outlets on the Digital platform Imredi
9500 специалистов уже каждый день работают в торговых точках на Digital-платформе Imredi
How to connect?
Step 1. Registration
What will become available?
Registration and introduction to the platform
Viewing the list of participants and agreeing on interaction parameters
Approval and signing of an agreement on participation in collaboration on the platform
Duration: 1-2 weeks
Step 2. Pilot Access
What will become available?
Working out the parameters of the pilot access
Coordination of the participation of FMCG manufacturing partners
Pilot use of the platform
Duration: 1-2 months
Step 3. Integration
What will become available?
Providing standard APIs for connecting to the platform
Development of additional interfaces on request
Launching business processes into productive operation
Duration: 3-6 months
Why connect
to the Collaboration mode on the Imredi platform

to eliminate problems in retail outlets by working with tasks and information together with other market participants; for example, a Supplier identifies a problem during an audit, an Agency fixes it, and a Retailer confirms it – as a result, all three spend less effort

Unlike crowdsourcing, which attracts untested and unstable resources to complete tasks, the Imredi platform provides interaction between professional market participants, each of whom is interested in the result
Работа с задачами и ключевыми активностями в торговых точках
Управление отделами
Аналитика по задачам и актвностям в торговой точке

Unlike the proprietary development of individual players, which provides a 1-N relationship (the platform owner is his partners), Imredi provides an open common platform for all market participants, which saves costs and eliminates the need to connect to 10 different systems
Отслеживание динамики показателей
Управление KPI
Unlike traditional automation and integration of individual 1-on-1 services (retailer-supplier), connecting to the Imredi platform reduces the cost of developing and maintaining different interfaces and business processes with each partner by hundreds of times
Digital-платформа Imredi
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and our employees will contact you.
Фотоконтроль и фотоотчеты
Digital-платформа Imredi