Business processes digitalization in retail

through control of standards, task management in retail stores, staff motivation and KPI tracking

Business processes digitalization in retail

through control of standards, task management in retail stores, staff motivation and KPI tracking

Imredi Digital-platform
Imredi Digital-platform
Your Phone
Бристоль - сеть магазинов
Дикси - сеть магазинов
Digital - platform
Audit of
Personal KPI
Ready to use business processes based on the Imredi platform adapted to the specifics of business and retail chain standards
Remote control of
the chain
Content Oriented Web
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
Контроль требований безопасности, плана продаж, стандартов мерчандайзинга, маркетинговых активностей
SMART-задачи, контроль сроков исполнения, приоритетов, отслеживание результатов
Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами
Корпоративные и индивидуальные показатели, KPI сотрудников, мотивация

Receive full team work analytics, track personal ratings

Ensure effective work of the field team, control the plan-fact, routes and GPS deviations

Manage the entire sales hierarchy from Division Director to Store Manager

5. Manage and control of Field team employees

Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами
Корпоративные и индивидуальные показатели, KPI сотрудников, мотивация

Receive remote photo reports from stores and moderate it

Control entire retail chain from home or office with remote scoring

Organize remote communication with employees in stores

6. Organize remote control of stores

Control all key performance indicators of each store

Analyze reports of the performance of standards at each store

Set a corrective tasks to marketing, sales and development, to ensure the sales plan realisation

1. Monitor the performance of stores

Provide employees of all levels with digital tools to audit and analyze results

Develop your retail chain based on a unified system of defined standards

Manage Event-based activities, requiring a quick response, track the result and quality

2. Control standards in each store

Digitize the work of elimination the identified violations and deviations

Set SMART-tasks to eliminate remarks, add photos and comments

Manage Event-based activities, requiring a quick response, track the result and quality

3. Eliminate identified problems and deviations

Ensure staff engagement at all levels of management.

Control personal KPI and metrics of your employees

Focus your team to performance most important goals and tasks

4. Motivate employees and track KPI

Unified tool to manage all in-store tasks

Giving insights and revealing points of growth

Digital-transformation of retail chain management processes

All instruments or digitalization of retail business processes on a unified Imredi platform.
Аналитика, дашборды, сводные KPI, анализ данных и выгрузка результатов, экспорт отчетов
Управление сотрудниками, иерархия подчинения, контроль полевой активности
Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами

360 degrees Customer Service Control

Service control of the operating block, marketing and sales

Setting rules for checks of various categories

Automatic planning, appointment of unscheduled checks, RPA

Mystery shopping auditor checks, inspection and control of price tags

Audit of office employees, self-service checks

Tickets from Helpdesk and ITSM systems, equipment status monitoring and maintenance

360 standards control: audit of stores, acceptance of services and service quality control

Management of field sales team: from Supervisor to Director

Automation and optimization of acceptance processes and quality control of provided servises, executed work : marketing activities, store maintenance, equipment repair, IT, cleaning, etc.

Аналитика, дашборды, сводные KPI, анализ данных и выгрузка результатов, экспорт отчетов
Управление сотрудниками, иерархия подчинения, контроль полевой активности
Контроль отклонений, перемещений сотрудников, работа с точками и объектами

360 degrees Customer Service Control

Servise control of the operating block, marketing and sales

Setting rules for checks of various categories

Automatic planning, appointment of unscheduled checks, RPA

Mystery shopping auditor checks, inspection and control of price tags

Audit of office employees, self-service checks

Tickets from Helpdesk and ITSM systems, equipment status monitoring and maintenance

360 standards control: audit of stores, acceptance of services and service quality control

Management of field sales team: from Supervisor to Director

Automation and optimization of acceptance processes and quality control of provided servises, executed work : marketing activities, store maintenance, equipment repair, IT, cleaning, etc.


All sales points will comply with the specified standards and be equal to the best stores and flagship results
Improving the efficiency and profitability of each store
Digitized audits and tasks results allow for more correct alignment of staff work in all areas of the store
Optimization of business processes, resources and staff overload
Prompt and complete analytics from outlets in various aspects for making management decisions
Identification and elimination of systemic problems of the retail network
Эффект от внедрения Imredi
Imredi implementation benefits
Operational efficiency
Management transparency
Retail chain business processes digitalization
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Office phone: +48 22 403 20 81
Cell/WhatsApp: +48 691 999 916
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